Discover how ESI's Virtual Prototyping Tools Realize Best-in-Class Processes and Profits
By immersively visualizing future products and components, analyzing product integration, and synthesizing human-centric assembly and maintenance processes, aerospace and defense manufacturers can avoid costly and limited physical prototype testing without compromising accuracy, safety, or time-to-market.
Discover how our innovative aerospace digital solutions can transform your processes and profits - watch our video to find out more.
从飞机和直升机到太空技术,航空航天行业的 OEM 正面临一个难题:开发产品所采取的方式必须能可靠、安全地应对最不确定的因素,并为乘客打造非凡的飞行体验。与此同时,他们还需要优化供应链,以便从容应对订单激增的局面,将下一代低能耗概念产品快速推向市场,并保证质量和安全。
但是,既要获得航空航天新技术认证并演示飞机的行为,又要在上市前和在整个生命周期培养客户对下一代产品的信任感,就好比一个硬币的两面。航空航天业的工程经理已经在引入配备先进仿真工具的产品生命周期管理 (Product Lifecylce Management, PLM) 解决方案,这些工具可以提高工作效率并为决策提供更坚实的基础。但是,如需高效管理这种复杂性,工程师必须以虚拟方式评估飞机成品在真实场景下的整体情况。
性能是制造的关键。这就是 ESI 将 PLM 升级为产品性能生命周期管理 (Product performance Product Lifecycle, PPL) 的原因。我们深信,产品性能生命周期管理是您get it right®的通道。让我们携手开拓飞机研发新局面。
ESI 虚拟样机和 Hybrid Twin™ 解决方案使工程师能够同时利用真实数据和真实物理特性进行虚拟实验。这为工程师提供了更大的自由度,让他们在开发早期就信心十足,一次设计便制造和组装出理想的产品——甚至不用等到切割第一块钢板,而且不依赖物理测试或物理原型,也避免了最终操作过程中出现中断情况。这是真正意义上的端到端数字线程,它将产品设计、制造和服务运营无缝连接,让您在竞争中脱颖而出。
What is Exactly Meant by Virtual Prototypes? Let's See Some Examples Showing Their Use And Benefits for Aerospace And Defense.
Driven by operational challenges such as overcoming barriers to innovation adoption, meeting sustainability KPIs without compromising on additional business priorities, and ramping up digital transformation, aviation manufacturers are exploring new ways to reach greater levels of industrial efficiency.
Want to learn more? Download the whitepaper and discover how virtual prototyping could help you safely and sustainably achieve flight and air mobility breakthroughs.

Get Acoustic Qualification Right First Time
Test and certify new air and spacecraft designs with your very own virtual acoustic chamber: get noise certification right the first time to ensure superior sound quality. The fully virtual, emission-friendly test system can identify discrepancies early on, and test and certify vibroacoustic performance whilst minimizing processes, tooling, and scrap material costs.
Ensure Superior Sound Quality
Achieve desired comfort levels with reduced interior and exterior noise emission and create a quiet comfortable in-cabin air travel experience for passengers.
Read more about ESI Acoustic Performance Simulation Solutions

Speed up Space Structural Qualification
Virtually qualify space structural dynamics safely, fast, and at a low cost, minimizing the need for expensive remote test facilities.
Read more about ESI Acoustic Performance Simulation Solutions

Power Collaborative Virtual Workflows with 3D Immersive Prototypes in the Industrial Metaverse
Push engineering workflows months ahead of production by creating your own industrial metaverse. Experience physical interactions with yet-to-be-realized aircraft designs without waiting for the construction of physical prototypes and collaborate with colleagues without having to travel to a common site. Immersively explore new aircraft concepts from a worker and operator perspective and gain hands-on experience of the processes required to make and maintain them.

Human-Centric Process Validation and Product Integration
Use Virtual or extended Reality to build interactive immersive experiences that validate human-performed process validation and complex product integration.
Find out more about our Virtual Reality Solutions for Aerospace and Defense

Virtual Manufacturing of High-Precision Parts
Achieve the highest material performance by using simulation-based testing. Gain a deeper understanding of material physics with unlimited analyses and experiences, which is impossible to do with physical tests and trial & error. Create stable, robust manufacturing processes to secure production ramp-up, minimize scrap costs, save natural resources, and ensure on-time delivery.