当然,您也可以选择在虚拟环境下体验真实产品——无需构建任何实物,真实体验制造、操作或维护过程。在这种沉浸式虚拟现实中,您可在 1:1 的逼真环境中观察产品,探索所需的工具,并像在真实环境中一样与新产品概念进行交互。通过这种方式,可以及时体验并发现任何无法接受且不可预知的装配、操作和维护问题,然后对其进行修复。决策“定型”之前的全数字化、虚拟化处理。
借助 IC.IDO,您便可以实现这一目标并享受更多益处。
Experience products in an immersive environment:
- Realtime Product integration, packaging & clearance
- Realtime cable & hose simulations
- Component installation & Removal with real-time physics
- Tool and mechanism behavior
- Visibility, reachability, & accessibility firsthand experiences
- Virtual and Mixed Reality tryout environment
- Share engineering findings upstream and downstream in your value chain
Conduct Human-Centric Process Validation workflows & immersive product integration:
- Evaluate, Validate, and Optimize assembly processes, Assembly bill-of-material, eBOM, eBOP planning and validation
- Evaluate tooling and assembly cell layouts
- Ergonomics analytics w/ manikin
- Share engineering findings upstream and downstream in your value chain
- Record and output Human-Process-Product interactions
Host Collaborative Virtual Workspaces for Human-Centric Process Validation workflows & immersive product integration:
- Flexibly collaborate with groups of (immersed) participants via Streamed Virtual Reality with IC.IDO CoLab
- Flexibly launch instances of IC.IDO Integrate, IC.IDO Build&Maintain for individual workflows and/or IC.IDO CoLab for collaboration
- Flexibly shift between local installed instances or streaming XR from enterprise server-side infrastructure, if equipped
- Manage networked/shared repository of prepared session content, load, and launch from a web interface
Subscription delivers access to:
- Latest IC.IDO integrate outcomes as listed above
- Collaborate with other IC.IDO Integrate and/or IC.IDO Build & Maintain instances
Subscription delivers access to:
- Latest IC.IDO Build & Maintain outcomes listed above
- Access IC.IDO integrate outcomes as listed above
- Collaborate with other IC.IDO Integrate and/or IC.IDO Build & Maintain instances
Tokenized flexible access to:
- IC.IDO CoLab to Host Collaborative Virtual Workspaces via NVIDIA CloudXR
- IC.IDO Integrate instances
- IC.IDO Build&Maintain instances
IC.IDO 的优势
- 一流的沉浸式界面 – 无障碍地与您的产品进行虚拟交互
- 与产品、装配单元和工具及维护环境进行逼真交互
- 快速得出结果 – 从数据采集和准备,到分析和共享
- 实时协作决策 – 无论您身在何处,都可以与您的团队一起决策与评估
- 高效 – 实时访问庞大的复杂数据,以在交互式环境中观察产品的各个方面
Due to ESI Group’s disruptive virtual reality solution, IC.IDO, it was an easy decision for us to implement their software. It met the growing need for increasingly assertive virtual simulations generated by industry 4.0.
Eric Beremis Baier LaiaVirtual Reality Specialist of MFG2020 / FCA LATAM
Download our E-book on Virtual Reality for Supporting Human-Centric Product and Process Development in the Aerospace Sector

Leading aerospace sector companies are now using digital solutions, including virtual reality, to accelerate the pace of innovation while decreasing financial risk and environmental impact.
Download our e-book, you will walk away with an understanding of:
- How our Virtual Reality software can help you secure product integration or validate manufacturing and maintenance processes early and taking account of human-centric operations
- How you too can integrate Virtual Reality into your aerospace product development workflows
- How we partner with the best technological partners to support our customers towards the creation of a Digital Thread
- What our customers the Boeing Company, Latecoere, Safran Group, and Rolls-Royce have to say on these topics
以往,这一过程在产品模型构建阶段完成,并逐渐发展成了产品开发的一环。但是,由于数字工程技术已成功减少对实际模型的依赖,代之以 CAE 和 FEA 建模,因模型构建造成的计划外设计集成问题已消失。
- 组件的静态和动态空间要求
- 电缆和软管布线
- 零部件安装和拆卸
- 客户验收(定制或高度定制产品)
- 原位零件移动、摇摆或转移
- 可视性和可达性要求
- 装配和服务需求设计
虚拟制造 - 装配和生产
Releasing the production-intent product data, engineering, and optimizing production process plans for a new product creates complex engineering tasks, like the sourcing of production tooling, commissioning of facilities, and workforce planning-preparation for production launch. During prior product engineering tasks, the assumption is that production requirements and service requirements may trigger product design changes. Design for Manufacturing and Design for Service, activities initiated during those early engineering integration reviews, should yield benefits in terms of the overall capability of the product to be made and supported, however now is the time to put that assumption to the test.
虚拟服务 - 售后服务
Planning for effective service need not wait until practical prototypes or production products are available
Service and Warranty Engineering and Planning are emerging as more urgent tasks in the development of new products as we see the sales models for new products and technology evolve. With the cost of service being built into the ownership model of some of the most innovative new products, OEMs are recognizing that Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) is no longer the sole burden of the customer, but a possible competitive advantage for their enterprise. Rightly so, during product development more attention is being placed on the servicability and maintainence of cutting edge products. Is the consumer buying the car or are they investing in personal mobility, is the utility buying a turbine or are they buying an expectation of megawatt hours of production, is the construction firm buying the excavator or are they buying the hole, or is the municipality buying a train or the mobility of their citizens?
新产品的服务操作设计不仅仅是根据 CAD 设计数据来想象可能得操作顺序,也不只是基于物料清单建立服务清单。不能只是从装配工艺清单,直接假设它会支持计划内或计划外的维修操作。售后服务期间可更换组件的可视性和可达性与我们围绕该组件构造新产品时的可视性和可达性非常不同。在制造阶段为优化装配而做出的决定可能与为优化维护和维修而做出的决定不同。