SimulationX | Release Webinar

2023年7月19日 - 2023年12月31日
Worldwide, Online
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45 Minutes

Discover what's new in SimulationX 4.5

The latest release of SimulationX version 4.5 places a key focus on usability and user experience. New libraries and functions enable, e.g.,  the automation of workflows and the embedding of publicly available fluid definitions. The full move towards token licensing provides fully flexible access to the complete range of functions and libraries so that users can quickly adapt to changing simulation needs. Last but not least, a new startup experience and configuration management give beginners a heads-on ramp-up in using SimulationX and enable expert users to manage their work environment more efficiently. This webinar is intended to bring the most valuable release insights in front of our users and customers and help them to achieve their product design and development goals.


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The webinar covers the key new functionality in the 4.5 release:


  • Workflow Automation Library: Automate  workflows for simulation and reporting
  • CoolProp Fluids: Use of publicly available fluid data
  • FMI for ESI VPS: Augment 3D models for crash with 1D system or subsystem models
  • New/enhanced model elements: Improve solution accuracy and analysis quality


  • Tokenization: Decide on and change flexibly the modules and functions you need
  • Library Mergers: Get more value out of your license
  • Custom licenses according to Modelica 3.5 specification: Use SimulationX as a platform for distributing your own libraries

User Experience

  • New Start Sequence: Manage licenses and modules more easily
  • Beginners’ Tour: Quickly learn to make your first steps
  • Configuration Management: Preserve your environment settings for various scenarios
  • New help view inside SimulationX: Access help content side by side with your work
  • Extension of the Sample Model collection: Better understanding of driving maneuvers, fuel cells, and the new libraries

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