OpenFOAM Adjoint Optimization
Date: November 9, 2022
Time: 13 - 16 am CET
Participation fee: 250€
(400€ together with conference)
Aimed at users who want to perform shape optimization in fluid mechanics with OpenFOAM and the Adjoint method released in OpenFOAM. Discussing the definition of the optimization processes, the basics of the adjoint method, understanding the simulation requirements and outputs, and making engineering decisions supported by tangible results.
We will also discuss new functionality introduced in the latest release.
In particular these are:
• New adjoint to k-omega SST model,
• New smoothed surface sensitivity maps
This workshop is led by developers of the method from NTUA (National Technical University of Athens).
Please note this workshop does not replace the full two days training we offer.
National Technical University of Athens
Lab. of Thermal Turbomachines, Parallel CFD & Optimization Unit
- Prof. Kyriakos C. Giannakoglou
- Dr. Evangelos M. Papoutsis-Kiachagias

*This workshop is part of the 10th OpenFOAM Conference but needs to be booked separately.