Modelling of the protective gas electro slag remelting process and its validation


Electroslag remelting (ESR) and protective gas electroslag remelting (PESR) are standard processes for the production of high quality tool steels. A consortium consisting of a University department, software company, plant producer, a research department and a steel producer was founded with the objective to generate a numerical model of the PESR-process with respect to process optimization.

"By W. Schützenhöfer, G. Reiter, R. Rabitsch from Böhler Edelstahl GmbH  (BEG); A. Ludwig, A. Kharicha from University of Leober (MUL), Austria; M. Gäumann, V. Maronnier, A. Mackenbrock from ESI Group; H. Scholz, R. Sorci, F. Arcobello-Varlese, A. Carosi from Centro Svilluppo Materiali (CSM), Italy.
(TOOL7th, Turin, Italy, 2006)"