Engineering & Manufacturing High Quality and Cost-Efficient Electrified Vehicles with the Best Possible Range

CFD, Composites, Sheet Metal Forming, System Modeling, Vibro-Acoustics, Virtual Performance, Virtual Reality, Virtual Seat, Virtual Systems & Controls, Welding & Assembly
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Mass adoption of Electrified Vehicles - The challenge is on for every OEMs Engineers and manufacturers as they are more than ever looking for solutions to develop High Quality and Cost-Efficient Vehicles. How is virtual prototyping revolutionizing design and manufacturing? In this webinar we will highlight how to make the right product development choices to overcome the many EV challenges: Range, Cost, Regulation, Safety, Comfort...

Finding the right balance between cost, time to market and requested performance
Delivering on consumer appeal, range, comfort, and safety – on time and at the right price
Developing an EV from the design to the manufacturing

We look forward to seeing you at our upcoming webinar to successfully engineer, manufacture and experience your vehicle!